Oyster Restoration Workgroup


Author Archive

Nature repair of Australasian marine and coastal ecosystems. Dates: 28-29th May, with an optional field trip on Thursday 30th May Location: The University of Sydney, NSW,

BEM 2024

The 52nd Benthic Ecology Meeting (BEM 2024) took place on April 10-14, 2024 in Charleston, SC, USA. Meeting website (see https://bem.disl.edu/bem2024.html. For Program see (https://bem.disl.edu/ScheduleAtGlance.pdf).  

116th Annual NSA Meeting took place on March 17-21, 2024 in Charlotte, NC, USA (see https://www.shellfish.org/annual-meeting).  

2023 CERF Biennial Conference

3–7 November, 2019, Mobile Convention Center, Mobile, AL (see http://www.erf.org/cerf-biennial-conference with updates)

The Native Oyster Restoration Alliance (NORA), the European network for the restoration of native oyster (Ostrea edulis) reefs, held its 5th conference in November 6th–8th November, 2023.  

72nd Annual Shellfish Conference & Tradeshow, Sep 18, 2018 – Sep 20, 2018, Semiahmoo Resort, 9565 Semiahmoo Pkwy, Blaine, WA (see http://pcsga.org/annual-conferences/).